Starting from 2007, during the summer and winter school break selected children from ACC have had the opportunity to participate in humanitarian mission tours — financially supported by various sources. These tours aim to raise awareness on what these children are going through and to shed light on the different ways our ACC campuses provide education — especially through showcasing the amalgamation of Eastern & Western cultures with the native African culture.
The children have a chance to showcase their skills and talents in different performances, plus they have the opportunity to visit various countries. They are given the platform to share their own culture with many other parts of the world whilst learning about different cultures themselves — closing the gap between continents.
By interacting with local students, the children from ACC learn how to embrace diversity and understand different perspectives and ways of life. In return, the local students are given the opportunity to understand a different culture and a whole different lived experience from their own. These diversity rich touring programs teach children from all backgrounds about interdependence, equality, and compassion — highlighting the importance of diversity in cultivating peace and respect.
You Can Help Vulnerable Children Across Africa
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Providing Necessary Services so Individuals Have Access to Basic Human Rights
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Educating the Children of Today for a Better Tomorrow
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Building Centers for All Children Who Need a Safe Space
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Inspire Change Around the World
Sometimes being stuck in a corporate job with all its stressors and challenges can make us lose sight of the big picture. Give yourself and your fellow colleagues the opportunity to learn about a whole new lived exp